Northeast Aquatic Plant Management Society
NEAPMS Webinars, News and Current Events
Research, Education And Management Related To Aquatic Plant Communities In The Northeast Region Of The United States
The Northeast Aquatic Plant Management Society (NEAPMS) is a diverse group of professionals dedicated to understanding the unique needs of aquatic plant management in the Northeast and communicating that knowledge to both the public and private sectors.
We participate in local, regional and national advocacy issues related to aquatic plant management by tracking and influencing governmental policy and legislation. Each January we convene to further the understanding of aquatic plant management, share research and plan our endeavors for the coming year.
Scholarships and stipends are available to exceptional graduate and undergraduate students in the field of aquatic plant management.
Get equipped! Newsletter archives, helpful sites around the web, programs/abstracts from previous conferences and more are found in our Resources section.
Interested in supporting aquatic plant management in the northeastern US? See our Support section for all the ways you can be involved, including membership, sponsorship and advertising!